
What is Your Biggest Network Security Hole?

When it comes to your business network's health, IT security is always a hot topic.  This TechRepublic article makes a great point about the significant financial impact of a network security breach: Small businesses underestimate financial damage of cyberattacks  -  Companies, organizations and government agencies need to take cyber security seriously and implement effective solutions. I f you watch a lot of movies you may imagine this means some sort of military grade device that will keep a super smart hacker from using a double top secret ,  black market app to crack your firewall and get  into  your network to wreak havoc…   The truth is it’s a lot less glorious than that. Here are the main ways hackers get in:   Your Server or Firewall Really Does Have a Security Hole   Periodically your servers and firewalls need to be updated because a security hole was discovered.  Through ongoing proactive maintenance, u sually these holes are patched long before hacker